Does your wireless surveyor give you a coverage guarantee ?

In nearly all cases the answer will be no. At RFSurveys we do the leg work on the customers site and take readings using in most instance the equipment that will be installed or is already installed. This means you get as accurate as possible results, this we can prove makes a massive difference.

If you plan to install VoIP or Barcode Scanners then surveying with a laptop is not going to cut it as laptops run at more power with better antenna and this throws your readings.

Even worse are the 'predictive' surveys, throw a plan into the software and it tells you how many AP's you need and where, eas?, yes, accurate no! Not visiting site means you don't get the full picture, is there interfence on site from existing wireless equipment?, is there interference from neighbours equipment?, is there interfence from other sources that will kill your WLAN? Thats why we check onsite with Spectrum Analysis

We work with the main manufacturer's for Voice and Data solutions and their resellers as an unbranded service offering peace of mind the job will be done right.
Our Professional Survey tool which we wrote in house many years ago allows us to record statistics straight from a variety of Wifi Access Points. We  can survey for;
        Symbol / Motorola
        Colubris (now HP)

Want to know more? Call RFSurveys on 01833 694989.